Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm Alive and Well, well sorta

   Hello friends I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry I just stopped blogging like that but I was hiding and licking my wounds.
   Have you ever been so hurt and betrayed that you just didn't know how to deal with it? That's how I was feeling and it hurt so much that I couldn't even write about it, I couldn't express how I was feeling all I could do was roll up in a ball and cry and try to digest it all.
   The sad part was one of the persons who had done this to me, it wasn't the first time, and because she was my family I forgave her, but never again will I let this person hurt me again.
    Things are still not right yet and it will probably be a long time before it will be we're going to do some family counseling  and hopefully we'll work all this out. I just don't know.
     I do know that I can't lay here any more I have things to do and I can't let them steal my whole world from me.
     I'm sorry that I haven't been there for any of you I haven't even had the energy to read your blogs. You have been in my thoughts and I have missed all of you.
    I just wanted to say that the bitch is back, not completely as strong as I was but getting there! 
    Now if it would just rain here! It's been so hot and dry here even the ponds are low. Anyone know of a good rain dance? LOL we need rain here in Indiana. I'm off here to go water my plants. Until we meet again.


My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

(((hugs)))and more (((hugs)))Pat

yellowdoggranny said...

chin up tits out.

FoxyMoron said...

Hugs from me too Natalie. I am sure there is something you can do for rain, have a feeling I tried one long ago and had some measure of success. We had a ten year drought that saw my husband lose his job etc. Now every time it rains, like it has lately, it feels weird.
Hope you can pick yourself and and dust yourself off, but I know you will. It's what we women do.

insomnia said...

Hope everything gets better. You are always making time for others and trying to help people. You deserve better.

insomnia said...

Hope everything gets better. You are always making time for others and trying to help people. You deserve better.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to see you're fighting your way back, Natalie. Insomnia is right on, you deserve better.

Hope the sky opens up above Indiana and gives you some refreshing and healing rains. xo