Friday, August 10, 2012


   Hello friends, I know I know it's early for me to be blogging and no the world is not coming to an end! Though I did wake up to this warning thought I better pass it on to all of you so you can be prepared.

     Glad it's tomorrow. It gives me time to pack up and say goodbye to the kids LOL.
      Tonight is our first football game and I'm going to go watch Gloria cheer and yes I'll probably post pictures! 
    Also tomorrow is my step dads 73 birthday. He's not doing well a lot of small strokes and has be diagnosed with dementia. We're having a birthday lunch for him.
      I'm in a really good mood today. I got an unexpected check in the mail yesterday and today our weather is only suppose to be 73-75F and we've had rain for the last two days and suppose to again tonight. Yepee get to open the windows!
    I feel bad that it's to late to save the farmers crops and we are all going to pay for that next year I'm sure.
      My forum sister Moonbeam (Deb) is in the hospital so please everyone light a candle and say a prayer for her.
      My goal this coming week is getting my life in balance, wish me luck. Going to go have coffee with my friend(yes I do have friends, I know hard to believe). Until we meet again.......

    PS Pat I use to answer my phone Natalie's Nut house! 


My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

Glad things seem to be better for you today. Life sure the hell is full of surprises. Some we sure can do without, BUT.......

yellowdoggranny said...

life is what you make it..make it happy.

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

Oh have fun at the game I miss the games so badly but a co-workers son is playing for my old high school so they agreed to let me come to the home games so as not to look creepy as my older children put it when I go to a highschool game with out my children playing or being there LOL
I am so glad to hear your spirits being a happy one trust in God to help you thru the rough patches and everything else will fall into place.

Unknown said...

Now why in the world would we have trouble believing that you have friends??? YOU are a fabulous friend and an amazing lady. If someone doesn't want to be friends with you, something is wrong with them.

I'm sorry to hear about Moonbeam. I'm sending healing vibes and I'll light a candle this evening.

Glad to hear that your weather has cooled a bit. You're right, food prices are going to be ridiculous.

Can't wait to see pics of Gloria's cheering!! xoxo