Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Died to Young

      Hello friends, it doesn't seem to matter how mad or hurt you are by your children, when they call and their sad, their hearts broken, yours breaks along with theirs.
      Today my daughter Veronica's friend was found dead in her car. We don't know why she died yet(except for they picked up her bf for questioning). She was not old, ill or as far as we know a drug user.
     Veronica wrote this on her Facebook:How do I go to work tomorrow when no one will be there to tell me to get my butt out of the car? And no one to share lunches with or hide in the back corner with? Who will tell me I am not crazy and that I just need a drink? Who will have the amazing compassion that you had? Who will teach me to love my patients even when I am over worked and they are making it hard? 
   This was taken at work, Veronica is on the left, Jenn on the right.
    My poor Veronica has lost so many friends through death, more than I have my whole life. Her first friend Tabitha died when she was in sixth grade along with her mother, step father and twin brothers when their airplane went down in the Florida everglades.
    After that she lost at least one friend a year(one year four died at once in a car accident) all through high school, and then one of her best friends Nicole
and Nicole's daughter a year after graduation.
      I have been to way to many funerals for these young people, and though I only met Jenn a couple of times my heart goes out to her Mother and family. My poor Veronica thinks it's dangerous to be her friend.

    Veronica and Jenn's friend Adrienne Orton Gelfius took this picture this morning before she knew about Jenn's passing. She posted it on FB saying:Clouds this morning. Coincidence? I don't think so! RIP Jenn. Gonna miss you, girl!!
    I'm crying not for me but for all those who's lives she touched and for the people who loved her
Jenn on right
   Life is to short no matter what age you are when you die. Do me a favor and hug your kids, tell them you love them and forgive them for all the pain they might have caused you.
    I love you Veronica Ayn. Momma's here when you need me.


Anonymous said...

Oh no, that's terrible :( I hope they find out what happened. It matters to actually know.
Will keep Veronica and that girl's family in my prayers.

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

So,so sad!(((hugs)))to Veronica
It's just a matter of time before I lose a grandson to drugs. Even knowing the path he is taking won't make it any easier on those that love him. sighhhhhhhhh

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

Natalie I am so sorry for the pain and heartbreak you are having to watch your child go through. There is a poem that I try and write in cards etc... when I just do not know what to say because sometimes words aren't enough.....DEATH LEAVES A HEART BREAK NO ONE CAN HEAL, BUT LOVE LEAVES MEMORIES NO ONE CAN STEAL. HOLDING ON TO THE MEMORIES IS WHAT GETS YOU TO HEAL ...

ktruss945 said...

I knew Jenn too- I am so sorry to hear, how sad- I am crying with you for her, her girls & for everyone who lost such a bright light-and for those that won't ever get to know her now that she is gone. Lilly & Jewel those poor sweet girls......

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...


Hermit Witch said...

Oh that's so sad. It's always awful when we have to say goodbye to the young. Sometimes life seems so unfair. My heart goes out to her family, and yours, at this sad time. xxx

Unknown said...

It is very sad and it must be so hard for Veronica. There are many important lessons to be learned in loss...letting go of the for today...being honest, true, and loving with those that we care about, 'cos there may not be a tomorrow to make up for it.

When our child hurts, we hurt. That's just the way it is. My heart goes out to your daughter and to you, Natalie xoxo